Here is where we will put maybe a description of what needs to be complete?
1. Region:
Region (Assigned by Kinder Morgan) in which Terminal is located.
2. Terminal (GeoLoc):
Terminal (Assigned by Kinder Morgan) in which the pumps are located.
3. Location:
Location (Assigned by Kinder Morgan) within Terminal where pumps are located.
Identify the level of visibility of the Pump & Motor System in the area where it is situated.
5. Description:
Brief description of Pump & Motor System functionality, given by Kinder Morgan.
6. Status:
The status of the Pump & Motor System, given by Kinder Morgan.
7. P&ID Number:
The P&ID drawing number associated with the Pump & Motor System, given by Kinder Morgan.
37. Alignment:
Proof of alignment (Pump to Motor). Please provide the last year the Pump & Motor System was aligned, the recommended tolerance, and the alignment value.
Tolerance: (mils/inch)
Recorded Value: (mils/inch)
38. Classification:
Hazardous (or classified) location of area.
Hazardous (or classified) location of asset.
39. Foundation:
The type of foundation that is installed with the Pump & Motor System. If there is any damage, corrosion, and/or bolts are missing please make a note of it.
40. Containment:
Containment is present for Pump & Motor System.
41. Re-circulation / By-pass:
Re-circulation / bypass is present for pump system:
42. Reducer proper installation:
Proper installation of reducer:
43. Intake Line Fittings Allowance (in.):
Calculation (Pump inlet diameter * 5).
44. Intake Line Fittings (Distance from Pump) (in.):
Actual distance from pump inlet to nearest line fitting. Please refer to 43. Intake Line Fittings Allowance for educational description.
45. Photo of pump/motor system:
Attach a photograph of the Pump & Motor System (1 photo).
46. Vibration:
Vibration sensors are installed for Pump & Motor System:
Vibration detected for Pump & Motor System:
If “Yes”, please explain how it was measured and documented in the notes section & please submit attachment):
47. Bearing Temperature Thermocouples:
Bearing Temperature Thermocouples are properly installed for Pump & Motor System.
48. Flow Switch:
Flow switch is properly installed for the Pump & Motor System.
49. Emergency Shutdown System:
Emergency Shutdown System is properly installed for Pump & Motor System.
50. Leak Detection System:
Leak detection system is properly installed for the Pump & Motor System.
51. Fire Protection System:
Fire protection system is installed for or near the Pump & Motor System.
Proximity of fire protection systems to Pump & Motor System.
System response
52. In service product(s):
Product that flows through Pump & Motor System (If multiple, please separate by comma
53. Max flow rate desired (gpm):
Numerical representation of the maximum desired flow rate.
54. Actual flow rates (gpm):
Numerical representation of the actual flow rates.